How to Use Blockchain Technology

August 8, 2023
Reading Time 5 Min
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Kate Z.
How to use blockchain technology | Read ilink blog

What Is Blockchain in Brief?

Imagine a digital book where you write down any transaction, like who paid whom or owns what. Everyone can have a copy of this book; once something is written in it, it's almost impossible to change. So, everyone can trust what's written because they know it hasn't been tampered with.

Now, instead of just one page, this book has many pages. Each page is like a block, and all these blocks are connected in a chain. That's why it's called a "blockchain." Initially, this idea was used for a digital type of money called Bitcoin. Despite this, blockchain and Bitcoin are different concepts. But now, people are finding many other ways to use this special book, from tracking goods in shipping to proving the authenticity of products. It's popular because it's secure and transparent, and no single person or company controls it. Everyone using it keeps it honest and safe.

Blockchain Is a Powerful Tool for Securing Business

Besides recording and storing information about transactions and operations involving digital assets, the blockchain's decentralized database establishes ownership rights to those assets as well. Transactions are essentially transfers of funds, securities, property, or other items from one user to another. They are recorded in blocks. As each block is linked to the one before it, the chain of blocks is inextricable.

This openness and security of data are important to entrepreneurs in various fields as well as to the government. Because there has always been a problem of trust between people. And the problem is exacerbated when it also concerns large amounts of money. Blockchain technology for business has the potential to make business more accessible and efficient, as well as reduce costs and fraud. It is a powerful tool for securing business, automating it and even saving money. Virtually every industry can apply the technology for profitable production and control. There are many use cases of blockchain technology, from creating decentralized digital currencies to vote protection. One of the most promising cases of blockchain technology is its potential to revolutionize the way we store and share data.

Where Is Blockchain Used

  • Insurance. The insurance industry is one of the areas in which trust is truly lacking. Neither policyholders nor insurers are comfortable with the loss of control over their personal information.

The problem of trust can be solved through smart contracts. In these contracts, both parties are bound by their obligations which are executed automatically upon execution of the pre-written script. Unlike traditional contracts, smart contracts cannot be forged or altered; they can guarantee customers that all contract clauses will be fulfilled and that compensation will be paid. Furthermore, the automatic execution of the contract facilitates the processing of claims and payments.

  • International payments. The reduction of transfer costs is one of the main advantages of using the technology in this area. Through blockchain technology, international transactions between individuals can be confirmed without the involvement of a centralized intermediary. As a result, users are able to save on currency conversion fees and transfer charges.

Additionally, the wide coverage of the audience, which previously had no opportunity to transfer money, is an important benefit. In Asia, Africa and South America, there are many people without access to banks and traditional financial services, but they do have smartphones. It is possible for them to send money to other countries when they have access to cryptocurrency wallets.

  • Trade Finance. Platforms for trade finance are changing the marketplace. As a result, they provide fast access to counterparties around the world. Platforms facilitate communication between them. This is the same unified, shared environment that has been missing for so long, complete with transparent and convenient interaction tools, including peer-to-peer messaging. In this way, businesses are able to communicate more easily with one another regardless of their location or region. Using blockchain technology, trade finance transactions can be streamlined and cross-border transactions can be simplified.

  • Anti-Money Laundering. Transactions on the blockchain are immutable and transparent. Cryptocurrency laundering is easier to detect than the laundering of cash through banks. It is also possible to keep an accurate record of the transactions entered into through smart contracts. By identifying and verifying users, it is possible to prevent money laundering.

  • Logistics. A wide range of improvements can be made to supply chains through new technologies. Deliveries can be tracked more efficiently and administrative costs can be reduced with blockchain technology. Those who have access to the supply chain can enter information about products' prices, locations, quality, certifications, dates of transactions, and other information necessary to help manage the chain more effectively. This information is available to everyone involved. The chances of cheating are almost nonexistent.

According to these actions, the entire delivery process is quicker and cheaper, since the volume of document flow is reduced. It results in financial savings for the company.

  • Real Estate. The use of technology in this area can facilitate the management of property or the ownership of land. Blockchain records the entire history of land transfers. The use of smart contracts facilitates the effective management of transactions related to purchases and sales.

Blockchain technology can also be used for the issuance of No Objection Certificates (NOCs) and other compliance certificates. The result will be a further improvement in openness and trust in the transaction process.

  • Media. In the media, widespread intellectual property theft and the need to eliminate intermediaries between content creators and end users have forced the adoption of new technologies.

It is likely that the structure of this industry will undergo substantial changes with the advent of blockchain technology. Content aggregators, platform providers, and royalty collection societies will not be able to deceive blockchain technology. As a result, copyright owners will gain market power.

The application of blockchain in the media will generate new revenue streams, improve their operational efficiency, reduce overall production costs, and create more personalized audio and video content.

  • Audit and accounting. It is expected that auditing activities will change as blockchain technology is increasingly adopted in this area. As a matter of fact, if the accounting is a priori reliable, there is no need for an intermediary. A profession will not disappear, but the focus of auditors' work will change.

The work of accountants will also change. Blockchain eliminates the need to reconcile settlements with external counterparties. It is not necessary for them to confirm the fact of the transaction. The accountant will only need to identify and classify the acquired/transferred assets and the corresponding income and expenses. The company will be able to obtain real-time information regarding the movements of any asset within the company. Blockchain technology will eliminate the need to wait for an accountant to process the primary document.

  • Information Security. The technology is used in cryptography to ensure the security of data transfers. Moreover, it prevents data tampering. By combining sequential hashing with cryptography in a decentralized structure, we can create a system that is virtually impossible to tamper with.

  • Data Storage. There is a place for data storage, but it should be noted that it is not the most rational solution. There is a certain amount of information contained in each block of the blockchain. The blockchain framework limits this amount. For example, you can store information in Bitcoin, but it has a 1MB limit, which is okay for transactions, but if you wish to store images or videos, it's better to find other solutions. Ethereum is also not an option. It is not free to upload data there. This process uses Ethereum gas, which costs money.

  • Internet of Things (IoT). The blockchain is a decentralized, traceable, and hack-resistant data structure that acts as a "factory of trust" for the authentication and security of devices. IoT data is influenced by blockchain throughout its lifecycle, including 1) device registration, 2) data traceability from the edge device to the gateway, and 3) secure data processing and transmission.

  • Healthcare. Blockchain technology has the potential to be a solution to many of the challenges faced by the healthcare industry. As an example, it is being used to control organ donation, the drug supply chain and combat counterfeiting. The system can also be used to advance clinical and biomedical research, remote patient monitoring, improved insurance and billing processes, and the analysis of medical data.

An Overview of How it Can Be Used by Government

  1. Identification and Data Management. Records can be easily managed and protected against fraud because the technology encrypts the data and duplicates and erroneous entries are not a problem.

The many nodes that keep a blockchain network running ensure the authenticity of information that is recorded on a blockchain. It is possible for nodes to serve as authorized entities or government agencies responsible for verifying and validating digital records, with each node being responsible for authenticating the data in order for the files to be used as official documents, however with a higher level of security.

  1. Voting. Using new information technologies to conduct open and objective voting is becoming increasingly important in a democratic digital society. Applying a voting system based on the use of blockchain technology ensures the fairness of voting. It is not possible to vote for the same candidate more than once and have multiple results in this system.

  2. Taxes. In the future, calculating and paying taxes would be relatively easy with sufficient information in the blockchain. The system will be very simple and traceable if, for example, wages, expenses, and so forth can be automatically recorded and therefore taxes can be automatically collected. The result is an elimination of human error and a significant reduction in administrative costs.

How Is Blockchain Used in Banking?

Blockchain technology has found its way into multiple industries, and banking stands out as one of its most promising sectors. Financial institutions worldwide increasingly acknowledge the potential benefits of incorporating blockchain into their systems. Here's a look at how blockchain is being used in banking:

  • Cross-border payments: Enables faster, cheaper, and more transparent international transfers.
  • Identity verification: Simplifies KYC and AML processes using a tamper-proof decentralized record.
  • Fraud prevention: The distributed ledger system of blockchain reduces the chances of unauthorized transactions.
  • Smart contracts: Automates and self-executes banking processes when predetermined conditions are met.
  • Syndicated loans & trade finance: Streamlines documentation and verification processes.
  • Securities trading: Allows real-time settlement by tokenizing assets.
  • Transparency and Auditing: Provides an immutable record system, making audits more efficient.
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs): Some banks are exploring blockchain-based digital currencies for faster transactions.

Example of blockchain in banking: Cross-border payments

Traditional method. Alice in the USA wants to send $1000 to Bob in Germany. She goes to her local bank or a money transfer service. The bank/service then routes the payment through multiple intermediaries: correspondent banks, clearing houses, and possibly more. Each intermediary might charge a fee, and each step takes time. Bob might take 3-5 days to receive the money in Germany, and he might get less than expected due to fees.

Using blockchain. Alice decided to use a blockchain-based remittance service. She sends $1000 of a digital asset to the service, immediately transferring the value over the blockchain. Bob in Germany receives the equivalent in his local currency within minutes or hours. The transfer is direct, with minimal fees, and is recorded transparently on the blockchain. The transaction is secure, and both parties can verify it.


With blockchain, cross-border transfers are quicker, cheaper, and more transparent. Alice and Bob have a better experience, and the process is streamlined and efficient.

What Capabilities does Blockchain Technology have?

Decentralization. Unlike centralized systems where a single entity has control, blockchain operates on a peer-to-peer basis. This means no single entity can control the entire blockchain, and all participants have equal authority.

Transparency. Transactions are visible to every participant in the network, ensuring accountability. However, personal data related to those transactions is kept private.

Immutability. Once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it can't be altered. This ensures data integrity and trustworthiness.

Security. Transactions must be approved through consensus mechanisms before they're added to the blockchain. Additionally, cryptographic techniques secure these transactions against tampering and unauthorized activities.

Smart contracts. These self-executing contracts automatically carry out actions when predefined conditions are met, streamlining processes and reducing the need for intermediaries.

Traceability. With blockchain, the historical transaction data of an asset can be traced, ensuring authenticity and preventing fraud, especially in sectors like supply chains.

Reduced costs. By eliminating intermediaries and automating processes, blockchain can significantly reduce costs in transactions and operations.

Speed and availability. Transactions on the blockchain can be processed quicker than traditional systems, often in real time or within a few minutes. Additionally, being a decentralized system, it operates 24/7.

Cross-border transactions. Blockchain facilitates quicker, more transparent, and cheaper international transactions by bypassing traditional mediators like banks.

Identity management. Blockchain provides a secure and tamper-proof way to manage digital identities, granting users control over their personal data.

Interoperability. It can interact and exchange information across different systems and networks, facilitating more integrated and collaborative ecosystems in healthcare or supply chains.

Tokenization. Blockchain can convert rights to an asset into a digital token, allowing for fractional ownership and easy transferability.

Key Blockchain Components

Blockchain technology encompasses several fundamental components ensuring transparency, security, and decentralization. Here's a concise breakdown:

  • Distributed ledger. Think of it as a shared database, present on multiple computers worldwide. Each entry is transparent and verifiable by all participants. It’s tamper-resistant, as altering information would be easily detectable and needs a consensus.
  • Smart contracts. These are automated, self-executing digital contracts. The terms are coded, and actions (like payments) are triggered when conditions are met, eliminating intermediaries and reducing errors.
  • Public key cryptography. Each participant has a pair of keys: a public one (shared) and a private one (secret). Transactions are signed using the private key and can be verified by others using the public key, ensuring security and verifying authenticity.

Beyond the components already discussed, blockchain also relies on several other key elements to maintain its integrity, security, and functionality. Here are additional essential components of blockchain technology:

  • Nodes. A node is a computer or server that participates in the blockchain network.
  • Consensus mechanisms. These are protocols used to achieve agreement on the validity of transactions. Popular mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS).
  • Hashing. A hash function converts input data (like a transaction) into a fixed-length string of characters, typically appearing random. When data is recorded onto a blockchain, it's represented by this hash. If even a tiny part of the original data changes, the hash will change dramatically, adding a layer of security.
  • Blocks. Each record on the blockchain is stored within a block. Once a block reaches a certain number of approved transactions, a new block is formed, linked to the previous one, creating a chain.
  • Genesis block. The first block in any blockchain is termed the 'genesis block'.
  • Block timestamp. Each block has a timestamp, providing a chronological order of when transactions occurred.
  • Tokenization. Tokens represent assets or utility and can be used as a transaction medium on the blockchain.

Combined with the previously discussed elements, these components work in harmony to provide the robustness, security, and potential of blockchain technology in various applications.


What are blockchain protocols?

Blockchain protocols are foundational rules and conventions that dictate how blockchain networks operate. They define the processes, guidelines, and standards for validating transactions, reaching consensus, and adding new blocks to the chain. Different blockchain projects and applications might utilize various protocols tailored to their needs. Here's a brief overview of some well-known blockchain protocols.

  • Bitcoin protocol. The original blockchain protocol was created by Satoshi Nakamoto. It's a public and permissionless protocol using Proof-of-Work (PoW) for consensus and primarily serves the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

  • Ethereum protocol. Introduced by Vitalik Buterin, it extends the blockchain's capabilities to allow for programmable smart contracts. Like Bitcoin, it started with a PoW consensus mechanism but has plans to transition to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) with the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade.

  • Ripple (XRP Ledger) protocol. Focused on real-time gross settlement system, remittance, and currency exchange. It uses a consensus process called the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA).

  • Hyperledger. An umbrella project under the Linux Foundation, Hyperledger is not a single protocol but a suite of open-source tools and frameworks for building specific blockchain solutions for businesses. Hyperledger Fabric and Hyperledger Sawtooth are notable examples.

  • Cardano. A proof-of-stake blockchain platform focusing on sustainability, scalability, and transparency. It's known for its research-driven approach.

  • EOSIO. Designed to support decentralized applications (dApps) with a focus on scalability and user-friendliness. It uses a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus mechanism.

  • Binance Chain & Binance Smart Chain. Developed by Binance, the former focuses on fast trading, while the latter is an independent blockchain that runs parallel to the Binance Chain and offers smart contract capabilities.

  • Tezos. A self-amending blockchain platform with on-chain governance and a focus on formal verification of smart contracts. It uses a unique Liquid Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism.

  • Polkadot and Kusama. Protocols that enable different blockchains to interoperate and share information. They introduce the concept of a relay chain and parachains.

Consensus Protocols. These algorithms, like PoW, PoS, DPoS, and others, are used within blockchain protocols to ensure agreement and consistency across the network. Each of these protocols offers unique features and trade-offs tailored to their specific goals, whether it's high throughput, security, decentralization, or flexibility. They form the backbone of their respective blockchain systems, enabling diverse applications and use cases.These algorithms, like PoW, PoS, DPoS, and others, are used within blockchain protocols to ensure agreement and consistency across the network. Each of these protocols offers unique features and trade-offs tailored to their specific goals, whether it's high throughput, security, decentralization, or flexibility. They form the backbone of their respective blockchain systems, enabling diverse applications and use cases.

What is Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)?

BaaS is a cloud-based service that allows businesses to use blockchain without building and maintaining their own blockchain infrastructure. Think of it like renting a ready-made setup instead of building everything from scratch. Service providers handle the backend complexities while businesses focus on their applications and operations.

Simple example. Imagine you want to open a café, but instead of building the entire café from the ground up (finding land, constructing a building, setting up electricity, plumbing, etc.), you decide to lease a fully-equipped space in a shopping mall. This way, you only worry about serving your customers and creating a menu while the mall handles maintenance, security, and utilities.

In this analogy. Your café is a blockchain application. The shopping mall is the BaaS provider (like Microsoft's Azure or Amazon's Managed Blockchain). The services like maintenance, security, and utilities represent the backend blockchain infrastructure. Using BaaS, you can start your "café" (or blockchain application) more quickly, with less initial investment and without worrying about the underlying complexities.

What are the 4 types of blockchain?

The four primary types of blockchain are:

  • Public blockchains. Are open and permissionless networks where anyone can participate, validate transactions, and create new blocks. Example: Bitcoin and Ethereum are classic examples of public blockchains. Anyone can join the network, validate transactions, and participate in the consensus process.

  • Private blockchains. are closed and permissioned networks where only specific, invited entities can participate. They provide more control and privacy than public blockchains. Example: A corporation might use a private blockchain for internal processes where only select members (e.g., departments or key personnel) can access and validate transactions.

  • Consortium (or federated) blockchains. are semi-private and operate under the leadership of a group. Instead of a single entity controlling the network (like in private blockchains), multiple pre-selected entities share the responsibilities. Example: R3's Corda and Hyperledger Fabric can be configured as consortium blockchains. Multiple banks or firms might collaborate where only the members of this consortium can validate and access transactions.

  • Hybrid blockchains. Combine features of both public and private blockchains. They offer a flexible architecture, enabling certain activities to be public and others to be confidential. Example: The Dragonchain platform is an example of a hybrid blockchain. It allows businesses to keep their data private while utilizing a public network's security for selected transactions.

Each type has its advantages and is suited for specific applications based on privacy, decentralization, scalability, and interoperability requirements.

How can I use blockchain to make money?

Using blockchain to make money involves various strategies and methods, each with its risk-reward profile. Here are some ways individuals and businesses have been using blockchain to generate income:

Cryptocurrency trading.

  • Description: Buying cryptocurrencies at a low price and selling them at a higher price.
  • Risks: It is a highly volatile market that requires an understanding market dynamics.

Holding and staking.

  • Description: Some cryptocurrencies allow you to earn additional tokens by holding and "staking" your coins in a wallet to support network operations like validation.
  • Risks: Price volatility; staked coins might be locked for a period.


  • Description: Using computer hardware to validate and record transactions on a blockchain in exchange for rewards.
  • Risks: High energy costs, increasing hardware requirements, potential for diminishing returns.

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) and token sales.

  • Description: Early investment in a new cryptocurrency or blockchain project.
  • Risks: Many ICOs have been scams or failed to deliver on promises; regulatory scrutiny.

Yield farming and liquidity mining.

  • Description: Participating in DeFi (Decentralized Finance) protocols to earn rewards by providing liquidity or participating in protocol governance.
  • Risks: Smart contract vulnerabilities, platform risks, and complex strategies can lead to significant losses.


  • Description: Receiving free tokens when blockchain projects distribute tokens to existing holders of a certain cryptocurrency.
  • Risks: Some airdrops require actions that might compromise security and potential tax implications.

Affiliate programs.

  • Description: Earning commissions by referring users to blockchain services or platforms.
  • Risks: Dependence on the success and trustworthiness of the affiliated platform.

NFT (Non-fungible token) creation and sales.

  • Description: Creating, listing, and selling digital art or collectibles as NFTs on various platforms.
  • Risks: Market volatility; ensuring originality and avoiding copyright issues.

Here's how businesses can use blockchain to generate revenue and achieve other financial benefits:

Tokenization of assets.

  • Description: Convert tangible or intangible assets into tradeable tokens on a blockchain.
  • Potential: Unlock liquidity, reach broader investor bases, and facilitate fractional ownership.

Cross-border payments & remittances.

  • Description: Use blockchain for quicker and cheaper international transactions.
  • Potential: Significant cost savings, especially for businesses involved in global operations.

Data management & monetization.

  • Description: Store, verify, and monetize data using a transparent and immutable blockchain system.
  • Potential: Sell or share trusted, verified data with partners or stakeholders.

It's essential to conduct thorough research and possibly consult with financial experts before diving into these methods. Always be wary of "get rich quick" schemes and promises of guaranteed returns. Investing in blockchain and related ventures carries inherent risks, and investing what you're willing to lose is crucial.

Is Blockchain Free to Use?

The question of whether blockchain is free to use depends on the context and the specific blockchain in question.
While many blockchain platforms and tools are available for free or open-source usage, there are often associated costs in terms of infrastructure, transaction fees, and operational expenses.

  • Public blockchains. Most public blockchains, like Bitcoin and Ethereum, have associated transaction fees. To participate as a miner or validator, there are costs associated with equipment and electricity.
  • Private and consortium blockchains. Businesses or consortiums of multiple entities often establish these. While they might not have traditional transaction fees like public chains, they have operational and maintenance costs.
  • Blockchain platforms and software. Many open-source blockchain platforms, like Ethereum or Hyperledger, are free to use in the sense that you can download, modify, and deploy them without purchasing a license. However, hosting, maintaining, and customizing these solutions have associated costs.
  • Blockchain as a service (BaaS). For example, Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. They charge for their services based on usage, computational power, storage, and other factors.
  • Smart contracts. Deploying and interacting with smart contracts on platforms like Ethereum requires gas fees.
  • Data storage. Storing large amounts of data on blockchain can be costly, especially on public blockchains.

Before engaging with any blockchain solution, it's essential to understand its cost structure and potential long-term financial implications.

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